Outcome KPI Pyramids
Get alignment on what metrics matter.

The Value of Outcome KPI Pyramids
Get Alignment
Make sure everyone internally measures product success in the same way.
Be Customer Centric
Identify how your customers would quantify your product's value.
Provide Context
Teams can quantify their value delivered using the KPI pyramid.

Forming an Outcome KPI Pyramid
1. Determine Customer Outcome Metric
Interview customers to understand how they would quantify the outcome the product delivers. For B2B, it's likely ROI. For B2C, it's a bit more complicated.
2. Determine Business Outcome Metrics
We recommend shareholder value, as that's critical for startups and public companies alike.
3. Align on Outcome Metrics
Make sure customers and internal stakeholders agree on the top metrics. Without alignment, product prioritization debates will continue to happen.
4. Complete Pyramids
Break each box into KPIs (ideally 2, but no more than 3 or 4) to keep the number of metrics manageable. Over time, you may tweak these.
See Example Outcome KPI Pyramids
Read blog posts on best practices for creating and using this artifact based on real-world products.