“Don’t mistake activity for achievement.” -- John Wooden Unfortunately, it’s all too common for product organizations to focus on the wrong...
I first started using the Jobs to be Done framework about 5 years ago, and while I never quite got it to stick, I've seen more of the...
The following is adapted from Build What Matters. During my time at eBay, from 2001 to 2005, product management was run by a few different...
A few years ago there was a new phrase that made its rounds through the product management community: “love the problem, not the solution.”...
Many businesses operate under a B2B2C model, with business customers who are disparate from end consumers. They facilitate key outcomes for...
While consulting with a client last year, one of the challenges I helped the team with was their process of planning and releasing new...
To illustrate the concepts of Vision-Led Product Management, we use an imaginary app we call Chuckwagon. Let's take a detailed look at the...