The Prodify Blog

Applying Vision-Led Product Management in the Real World


4 Ways The Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) Helps Product Teams

Rajesh Nerlikar

Photo Source: EOS A few of my clients, both current and former, are using the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) as their way of...

Broadvoice Case Study: Becoming Product-Driven

Sara Zalowitz

You may have seen our recent client interview about the transition to being product-driven instead of sales-driven. Specifically, it was...

A B2B Customer's Key Outcome Pyramid

Rajesh Nerlikar

At Prodify, we often use the Key Outcome Pyramid with our clients to help them identify the relationship between metrics, decide which...

Curaytor Case Study: Becoming Product-Driven

Sara Zalowitz

At Prodify, we work with a variety of clients who are looking to make the transition to being product-driven instead of sales-driven. The...

WeSpire Case Study: Product Responsibilities of the CEO

Ben Foster

The following is adapted from Build What Matters. In 2012, WeSpire was in the midst of a successful pivot from a B2C model to an enterprise...

Advisor Case Study: Building Software Users Love

Rajesh Nerlikar

The following is adapted from Build What Matters. After I joined Morningstar, we went through an Agile transformation that focused on...

Advisor Case Study: An Army of INTJs

Ben Foster

The following is adapted from Build What Matters. While I was at eBay, the product management team grew to over a hundred people. When the...

Advisor Case Study: The Impact of Product Operations

Ben Foster

The following is adapted from Build What Matters. When I arrived at Opower, the need for a Product Operations position was immediately...

Advisor Case Study: The Tokens System

Ben Foster

The following is adapted from Build What Matters. Earlier in the book, I told the story of Opower’s color-coded roadmap, which highlighted...

Advisor Case Study: Innovation Sprints

Rajesh Nerlikar

The following is adapted from Build What Matters. At HelloWallet and Morningstar, we used to reserve some product development capacity each...