The Prodify Blog

Applying Vision-Led Product Management in the Real World


Advisor Case Study: The Behavioral Science Behind Triggers

Rajesh Nerlikar

The following is adapted from Build What Matters. I had no idea what behavioral science was until I joined Ben at Opower. There, I learned...

How Jobs To Be Done Can Help More Users Switch To Your Product

Rajesh Nerlikar

If the concept behind Jobs To Be Done wasn’t real, we’d all drive the exact same car.

Advisor Case Study: Time Horizons and Financial Results

Rajesh Nerlikar

The following is adapted from Build What Matters. After Morningstar acquired HelloWallet, there was a grand vision for how our two products...

Ten Percent Happier Case Study: Impact Metrics

Ben Foster

The following is adapted from Build What Matters. Ten Percent Happier is a mobile app that helps people be happier, healthier and more...

3 Tips for Managing a B2B2C Product

Rajesh Nerlikar

At HelloWallet, we sold web and mobile apps that helped employees improve their financial wellness. The product was offered as a benefit to...

Advisor Case Study: Too Many Outcomes

Rajesh Nerlikar

The following is adapted from Build What Matters. Right before I joined HelloWallet as a Senior Product Manager, the company pivoted from a...

Advisor Case Study: Hidden Shipping Costs

Ben Foster

The following is adapted from Build What Matters. One of the most fundamental experiences in an e-commerce product is called “finding,”...

5 Steps to Become a More Outcome-Driven Product Team

David Jesse

“Don’t mistake activity for achievement.” -- John Wooden Unfortunately, it’s all too common for product organizations to focus on the wrong...

4 Focus Areas in Leading a Rapidly Scaling Product Team

4 Focus Areas in Leading a Rapidly Scaling Product Team

David Jesse

My most rewarding yet challenging roles have been as part of a fast growing business. These come with an opportunity -- plus an expectation...

How to Write a Stellar Product Management Resume

Matte Scheinker

In our collective careers, the Prodify advisors have reviewed thousands of product manager resumes. Sadly, for both the candidates and the...

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