The Prodify Blog

Applying Vision-Led Product Management in the Real World


How to Perform Effective Midyear Check-ins

Sara Zalowitz

At Prodify, we've observed that while companies invest heavily in annual planning, midyear check-ins often get overlooked. But, these...

Building a Product *Impact* Factory

David Jesse

In an annual review, a board meeting, or even just a recurring check-in, scrutiny is too often disproportionately on features and dates –...

Foundations of High Performing Product Teams

David Jesse

Between us, the Prodify advisors have earned more than our share of gray hair working in product management. From this, we see patterns of...

How to Overcome the 10 Dysfunctions in Product Management

Sara Zalowitz

The first chapter of Prodify’s book Build What Matters highlights the 10 Dysfunctions of Product Management, which identify the most common...

B2B Product Discovery: 3 Ways to Avoid the Game of Telephone

Rajesh Nerlikar

B2B product discovery can sometimes be like the game of telephone. Ever play that as a kid? For those who haven’t, here’s how it works:

5 Ways Product Leaders Can Champion Their Teams Through a Recession

5 Ways Product Leaders Can Champion Their Teams Through a Recession

Ben Foster

Market analysts, business leaders, and venture capitalists agree a recession is looming. Today, startups are forced to reevaluate their...

Lead Your Product Teams Through A Recession | Prodify

Ben Foster

Business leaders, venture capitalists and market analysts agree a recession is looming. Without question, startup capital has become harder...

How Product Operations Can Influence Your Company Culture

Rajesh Nerlikar

What makes for a great culture? After advising / coaching nearly 40 product teams and reflecting on my own time as a product manager /...

How to Ditch User Stories and Backlogs to Create Better Alignment

Nishal Narechania

Since late 2020, I have served as the VP of Product at Territory. We connect thousands of customers to great-tasting healthy meals that fit...

4 Ways The Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) Helps Product Teams

Rajesh Nerlikar

Photo Source: EOS A few of my clients, both current and former, are using the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) as their way of...

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